Our Lecturers
The Skopje Theological School is an evangelical Protestant educational institution that aims to provide education to all who want to deepen their relationship with God, serving in churches and improving every segment of society.

Nikola Galevski, MTh
pastor • theologian • missiologist • art • tweeter Protestant Oja
Born and lives in Skopje, Macedonia. After becoming a follower of Christ in high school, he served in several church segments, music celebration, working with students, mission work in Bitola with his wife Annette, as well as founding the Soulcraft Evangelical Church. He teaches in Skopje, Macedonia, the Balkans, Europe and North America in the areas of New Testament, Mission, Art and Evangelism. He is the father of Gisele-Maria Galevska, his wife Anette-Maria Galevska passed to God, in the Kingdom of Heaven in 2021.

Physicist • Theologian • Historian • Heraldist • Vexillologist
Born in Skopje in 1971, he began his first steps in theology in 1992 with ICI (International Correspondence Institute), then a correspondence program from the Faculty of Theology in Osijek, Croatia. In 1994, he continued in Budapest at IBLA (International Baptist lay Academy) where he finished in 1999. In the meantime, he studied in London at the Abbey School, and visited Regent's Park College in Oxford on several occasions. He continues his postgraduate studies in Novi Sad at the Protestant Theological Faculty, receiving his master's degree in 2008 on the topic "Baptism in Macedonia". In 2010, he completed his studies in physics at the Faculty of Natural Mathematics. In 2011, he is researching the missionary movement in the USA and its impact on the Balkans, at Wheaton College (Chicago), Yale University School of Theology (New Haven) and the Archives of the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention in Richmond. In 2014, he received his master's degree in history in Skopje at the Institute of National History, History of Cults and Religions in Macedonia group, on the topic "Evangelical Protestant Churches in Macedonia". At the same institute, he received his doctorate with the topic: "The sun and the lion as symbols in the heraldry and vexillology of Macedonia" in 2018. His scientific interest is the history of the church in Macedonia and the legal status of religious communities, as well as heraldry, vexillology and phalerology. Elder and person in charge of the Voice of God Christian Church.

Philip Jackson, MA
& Lynn Jackson
Preacher • Leaders • Lovers of Sports, Nature and Coffee
Philip and Lynn Jackson have been dedicated intercultural workers (missionaries) for almost 30 years, serving with SEND International in Macedonia since 1995. Philip has an MA in Intercultural Studies from Columbia International University and Lynn has a BA in International Relations from Samford University. They look to make disciples in all they do and have been involved in church formation, leadership development and organizational leadership over the years. Currently, Philip and Lynne serve as Regional Directors for Europe for SEND International. Raised in missionary families (Philip in Suriname and the Dominican Republic, and Lynn in Costa Rica), their life focus is to live in view of eternity, to love the Lord with all their hearts and to activate God's people to establish and build the Church among the untouched people.

Daniel Napier, PhD
Pastor • Theologian • Professor • Missionary • Author
Daniel Napier Pastor, Theologian, Professor, Missionary and Author. He is currently the European director of the organization "Ashrei" whose goal is to integrate spiritual formation as a category in preparations and training for missionaries and church workers. He lives with his family in Thessaloniki, Greece since 2018. At first their ministry was dedicated to refugees from the Middle East, who began to follow Christ in that context. But currently, their ministry includes investing in churches and believers in Eastern Europe. Some of Daniel's studies include: Undergraduate studies in New Testament. MA in History of Philosophy. Doctorate in History of Theology. In 2010 he completed his doctoral studies at the Vrije University in Amsterdam. He is the author of the book "En Route to the Confessions: The Roots and Development of Augustine's Philosophical Anthropology" (Leuven: Peeters, 2013). He is also the author of another book, which will soon be published. "Soul Whisperer: Jesus' Way among the Philosophers" is published. The content of this book is more accessible to a wider readership and is applicable in everyday life. Daniel also worked for seven years as a professor at the School of Theology in Austin, Texas. He was also a professor of theology at the Biblical Institute in Zagreb, Croatia, for six years.

Aleksandar Madzharovski, MA
Poet • Speaker • Influencer in the Field of Literature
Born and lives in Skopje together with his wife Ana and their two sons. He is one of the founders of the Evangelical Protestant Church "Glasnost" where he serves by preaching and leading celebrations for more than twenty years. Master of Philosophy and his main interests are in the field of philosophy, theology, literature and culture.

Christian Kalinov
Pastor • Director • Activist
One of his main interests is driven by the question "How to achieve continuous and significant change in the lives of Christ's followers?" From this question arises one of the main theses of the subject "Spiritual Formation." As a pastor and practitioner on this topic, he has been experimentally applying these teachings in their life together with his community - EPC Glasnost - for the 6th year.

Filip Ivanov
Husband • Father • Pastor • Bushcrafter • Adventurer
Filip Ivanov was born on April 25, 1989 in Veles, Macedonia, where he lives to this day. At the age of seventeen, he decided to follow Christ and devote his life to Him. Finding his spiritual home in the Evangelical Church - Veles, he began to serve young people, so for almost three years he started with youth meetings in the church in Veles, but also in Shtip and Negotino. Then, in 2009, together with his wife Maria, they left for England, for a two-year theological education. After completing the Bible College, Philip also developed the international preaching service, during which he preached on five different continents, with a special focus on the mission in Africa. In 2017, Philip took over the leadership of the Evangelical Church - Veles, where he is still the pastor. The most recognizable aspect of his service is the charitable activity he started and developed there, recognized and valued not only by the churches, but also by various governmental and non-governmental institutions and organizations, as well as by the community and society. He is the winner of the "Philanthropist of the Year" and "9th November" awards, both from the Municipality of Veles.

Д-р Слоботка Алексовска
христијанка • сопруга • мајка • баба •
професорка • хемичарка • човекољубец
Слоботка Алексовска е родена на 01. 08. 1960 год. во Скопје, каде што живее и работи до денешен ден. Дипломирала, магистрирала и докторирала на Институтот за хемија при Природно-математичкиот факултет во Скопје каде што е вработена од 1986 год. Нејзиниот научен интерес е од областа на синтетската и структурната хемија, но ангажирана е и во унапредување на образованието по хемија. Како христијанка, таа се стреми кон активно учество во животот на црквата. Направила преводи на повеќе христијански книги и текстови и учествувала не неколку трибини за врската меѓу науката и религијата. Учествува и во работата со децата во црквата.